The First Cause

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Peter The Disciple

I'm not sure why but the Lord often puts Peter on my mind. Probably because I feel like I can relate in a lot of ways with Peter as I'm sure most Christians can at some point in their walk with the Lord.

I kinda laugh at Peter because he is very outspoken, is not afraid to say whats on his mind and has a tendency to be slightly arrogant and can easily become full of himself. This, the outspokenness and arrogance, often results in putting foot in ones own mouth. Peter did this on a number of occasions.

One example that I can give is on the occasion when Jesus had asked the Disciples " Who do Men say that I, the Son of Man, am?" and they all said one thing or another as to what folks were saying about Jesus.

Jesus listened to them and then asked, "Well who do you say that I am?" Now Peter finally speaks up and makes a remarkable comment saying " You are the Christ, Son of the living God." Jesus hears this and immediately begins to poor out onto Peter all these blessings and promises and heavenly gifts like the "keys of the kingdom of heaven" and powers to bind things and to loose things in heaven and earth and WoW!! Can You imagine what was going on in Pete's head? He was so full of himself he could barely stand up from weight of his head!! I assure you he was not going out the same way he came in without them first removing the wall so he could get his head out the building.

Peter had been waiting and wanting to receive such adulation's from Jesus and now he finally was getting what he wanted. "Yep, Jesus knows... I am the Man, I'm it brother and don't forget it." (Spiritual self righteousness)

on my next entry I will continue the story and how Jesus deals with Peters self-righteousness.